Brett Fenton
ADEA President
Brett has been a Diabetes educator for 12 years, initially working at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute before moving to Central Coast Local Health District 3 years ago. He has held management roles at both organisations and has experience coordinating local, state and national projects.
Brett has a Bachelor in Nursing and Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education. He has mentored a number of ADEA members to help them achieve their goal of becoming a Credentialled Diabetes Educator and has presented poster and oral presentations nationally and internationally. For the past 13 years, Brett participated in camps for children with diabetes in Victoria and has provided advice and clinical expertise for university and pharmaceutical company advisory committees in Victoria and NSW.
Brett is honoured to have the opportunity to represent NSW on the ADEA Board and is committed to continuing to promote the role of the Credentialled Diabetes Educator and provide a close link between the ADEA membership and the ADEA board.