Dr Alan Barclay
BSc; Grad Dip; PhD; APD; AN
Consultant dietitian and nutritionist
Lecturer, University of Sydney. Chief Scientific Officer, GI Foundation
Alan is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist with over 23 years of experience in clinical dietetics, public health and academia. He has a special interest in food and therapeutic goods law, overweight/obesity and diabetes. The amount and type of carbohydrate in food is his particular area of expertise, having completed a PhD in this area. Alan is a media spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia and has extensive experience presenting on television, radio and in the print and on-line media. He is also an author (Reversing Diabetes, The Good Carbs Cookbook, Low GI Diet Diabetes Handbook, Low GI Diet Managing Type 2 Diabetes and The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners) and blogger (http://ginews.blogspot.com.au). Alan is particularly keen to bust the plethora of myths that surround food and nutrition in general, and carbohydrate-containing (sugars, oligosaccharides and starches) foods and alternative sweeteners.