Marisa Nastasi
BND, Grad Dip (Human Nut.), BSc., (APD), Accredited Practising Dietitian
The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute (VIC)
BND, Grad Dip (Human Nut.), BSc., (APD), Accredited Practising Dietitian
The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute (VIC)
In the... Effective verbal communication between healthcare professionals and health consumers* is crucial for successful health... In previous articles in this series, Health Literacy 101 – going back to basics to...
Through effective diabetes self-management, people living with diabetes can improve their clinical outcomes and overall... Since diabetes self-management primarily involves health behaviour changes, knowledge and skills for self-management are... Shanshan (Shannon) Lin is a member of the ADE Editorial Advisory Group, the Course Coordinator of the ADEA accredited Diabetes Education and Management... Diabetes was ranked as the seventh leading cause of death in Australia in 2017-2018, affecting 1.2 million Australians (4.9%).1 The...
Health Literacy 101 – Organisational health literacy responsiveness, why it is important and strategies for diabetes managers
Health literacy 101 – enhancing the verbal communication
Health literacy 101 – assessing translated consumer education materials: the importance of health literacy
Volume 26 - ADEA March edition 2023 - 3/3/23*/?>
The use of linked data: implications for diabetes research and practice
Health literacy 101 – Enhancing written communication
Health literacy 101 – Going back to basics to move diabetes practice forward
Member Profile – Meet Shannon Lin
Are diabetes consumer education materials easy to understand and act on? An evaluation of multilingual Australian resources